Hope Zoo has an excellent volunteer program in which we accept students from various high schools, universities, and colleges across Jamaica to complete their community service programmes. During summer and winter holidays we accept children from ages 15 upwards who have expressed an interest in animals and the environment. Before we accept volunteers, they have to undergo a pre-qualification interview to ensure that they meet the criteria: which is a genuine love for animals, nature, and to ensure that they are physically able to handle the demands of the assignment. For more details on Hope Zoo Volunteer Programme, please feel free to call us at 876-978-1085 or email zoobookings@hopezookingston.com. To become a volunteer, please click the following link: http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5606876/form
ADOPT AN ANIMAL PROGRAMME -Adopt an animal of your choice from Hope Zoo Preservation Foundation and make a difference for the animals and the environment. Your HZPF Adopt an Animal kit comes with the following:
- Glossy photo of your adopted animal
- Adoption certificate
- A fact sheet about your adopted animal
To adopt an animal, the donation can include:
- Food and veterinary cost
- Construction and maintenance of holding facilities
- For more information, please call 876-978-1085 or email zoobookings@hopezookingston.com.
Show your love for animals and adopt an animal today!